Located at: Woodfarm business centre Crowfield road, Stonham Aspal IP6 9TH
Reptile Room
With everything from Corn snakes and Leopard geckos to exotic ratsnakes, rear fanged snakes and D.W.A species,
with Crabs, tarantulas, scorpions, frogs and much more. We have something for everyone,
from the beginner looking for their first pet to the serious hobbyist looking for something new and exciting.
Our Reptile room is backed up with an extensive range of vivariums and accessories from:
Lucky reptile, Pro Rep, Viv exotic, Zoomed, Microclimate and many more.
We also sell a wide range of frozen and live food, in fact everything you need to care for your exotic pet to the highest standard.
Live food delivery every Thursday
Live foods price and offers
Silent crickets (all sizes) £2.40 per tub
Black crickets £2.40 per tub
Locusts (sm,md,lg) £2.40 per tub
Mealworms £2.40 per tub
Morio worms £2.40 per tub
Mix and match any three £2.40 tubs for only £6.25
Xl locust £3.30 per tub
Wax worms £3.30 per tub
Dubia roaches £3.30 per tub
Mix and match any three £3.30 tubs for only £9.00
Fruit flies £4.89 per pack
Pachnodia grubs £5.60 per tub
***November New in*** Western hognose snakes Classic royal python Florida kingsnake Pancake slugs Praying mantids Regal jumping spiders Horsehead grasshoppers Pacman frogs Giant centipedes
Frozen foods
Pinkies 43p
Fluffs 78p
Hoppers 94p
Adults £1.50
Jumbo £1.80
Pups 90p
Fluffs £1.15
Weaners (sm) £2.00
Weaners (lrg) £3.00
Adult (sm) £5.50
Adult (md) £6.00
Adult (lrg) £6.50
Jumbo £7.50
Chicks (2kg) £9.50